...We provide smart; sustainable solutions to reduce water & energy consumption... .

SEWAGE & EFFLUENT TREATMENT SOLUTIONS part of the solution ... not the polution...


...truly integrated approach to water treatment...


...we strive to make dirty water clean...
as good as it gets!...


Our strength lies in the values that we up keep. At EXSO - Water, we are totally committed to up keeping the values set and truly believe that, it is these that take us to greater heights.


Environment focus -Environment protection shall be EXSO - Water’s underlying principle. We shall continue to do our best, and shall never indulge in anything that harms the environment.

Client Satisfaction

We work and ensure that our clients are completely satisfied with our services and solutions, and shall not rest till we achieve it.

Respect for individual

Every employee, irrespective of the rank, shall be treated alike and with utmost dignity and respect.


We honor the commitment given by us to our clients, vendors and shall up keep it at any cost.

Honesty & Transparency

Honesty, transparency and accountability shall be underlying principles of our business.

Products & Services

Desalination, BWRO & SWRO

EXSO Water custom designs, manufactures, and supplies state-of-the-art desalination systems Sea Water Reverse Osmosis [SWRO], Brackish Water Reverse Osmosis [BWRO]

Containerized Water Treatment Solutions

Custom, Affordable Containerized Treatment Systems for Industrial and Municipal Use. Our product range includes Containerized Sewage Treatment Plant (STP)

Demineralizer Systems

For Removal of all Total Dissolved Solids.All water contains dissolved minerals. When in solution water separates into negatively charged anions, and its counterpart positively charged cations. A process known as demineralization can substantially reduce the quantity of these ions to a very low nano levels.

Pump Skid Assemblies

At EXSO Water, we manufacture a complete line of pump skid assemblies for your pumping needs. The Transfer Pump Skid is offered to complement our other water treatment equipment to offer you a more integrated system.

O & M Services

Under our operation and maintenance services we provide maintenance of water treatment plants, Upgrade of your existing plants, Renovation and Refurbishment and supply of Spare Parts and Chemicals