...We provide smart; sustainable solutions to reduce water & energy consumption... .

SEWAGE & EFFLUENT TREATMENT SOLUTIONS part of the solution ... not the polution...


...truly integrated approach to water treatment...


...we strive to make dirty water clean...
as good as it gets!...

Desalination Plant Sea Water Reverse Osmosis Plant Manufacturersbrackish water desalination systemTailor made Desalination systems

Desalination, BWRO & SWRO

EXSO - Water custom designs, manufactures, and supplies state-of-the-art desalination systems for sea water & brackish water. Desalination systems can be tailor-made based on site-specific feed water characteristics and specific water quality requirements.

Sea Water Reverse Osmosis [SWRO]

Sea water desalination systems incorporate energy recovery systems which reduce energy requirement up to 40%, resulting in more economical production of drinking water. The company supplies small to medium size desalination plants with a capacity of 5–50,000 m3 per day. To reduce cost, energy recovery is undertaken by pressure exchangers or turbine pumps.

Typical Technologies

  • Screen and media filtration
  • Cartridge filtration
  • Ultrafiltration (UF)
  • Reverse osmosis (RO)

System Configuration

  • Mobile
  • Skid mounted
  • Containerized

Brackish Water Reverse Osmosis [BWRO]

EXSO - Water designs, manufactures, and supplies advanced water treatment systems for the provision of drinking water from brackish water sources. The systems are able to treat water from a wide variety of water sources including surface water and wells and deal with a wide range of contaminants including turbidity, salinity, arsenic, nitrates, and more.
The company specializes in advanced membrane-based technologies that allow the removal of a wide variety of dissolved materials from water and effluent.

Typical Technologies

  • Reverse osmosis (RO)
  • Ultrafiltration (UF)
  • Media filtration
  • Activated carbon
  • Ion-selective resins
  • Disinfection

System Configuration

  • Mobile
  • Skid mounted
  • Containerized